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5 Easy Steps to Map Your Customer Journey

Reading time: 5 min(s)

Around nine in ten brands today are aware of the concept of customer journey mapping. Customer journey mapping helps brands envisage customer experience before, during, and even after the customers buy a product or service from them. It is indeed one of the ideal ways to spot potential barriers beforehand so that brands can deliver the best possible experience to their customers.

While customer journey mapping has a lot of benefits, it’s also crucial to know how to do it the right way. Businesses for some reason perceive this process as something abstract and overwhelming.

But is the process of mapping the customer journey truly an overwhelming task? Well, a definite NO.

Instead of perceiving customer journey mapping as one big process, it’s better to consider it as a series of logical steps that are built based on understanding the customers and gathering relevant data.

With years of expertise in building memorable customer journeys with Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Builder, in this blog, we have nailed down the key steps involved in initiating and deploying the perfect customer journey.

Without any delay let’s start exploring your gateway toward building that impeccable customer journey.

Who is this article for?

  • For businesses that are looking forward to getting started with customer journey mapping.
  • For Salesforce enthusiasts who aspire to build stellar customer journeys that drive massive engagement.

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